Copyright © Art Dorotheah/ Dorota Zduńska
----- ACRYLICS -----
 | "Je t'offrirai mon dernier souffle de vie" - Copyright © Art Dorotheah 2022 (English: "I will give you my last breath of life"🦄)Vision from soul, Energy Art 💫 Acrylics on canvas board 24x30cm, 2022
In a private artist collection |
"Pharaoh Woman - Egyptian Queen" ✨ Copyright © Art Dorotheah 2022 ✨ Acrylics on canvas and board 60x42cm, ✨ Vision from soul, Energy Art 💫 The original vision painted with metallic colors through which the image changes depending on the viewing angle and the incidence of light ✨ more --->>>
In a private artist collection |
"Horse Spirits - The Love Journey" Copyright © Art Dorotheah 2022, Vision from soul, Energy Art 💫 Acrylics + canvas board 220x297mm, 2022🦄
Ghost Arabian Horse - Copyright © Art Dorotheah 2020, Ghost horse is vision from soul, I saw ghost horse with the eyes of my soul in a meadow with a view of the lake in Żydowo.💫 Acrylics + canvas 50x60 cm. Art work was painted during the open-air event were shown at the "Post-Plein-Air Exhibition of Painting with Poetry and Song" on August 25: 2020 in Żydowo, in Poland.
 | "Horse Spirit - Cosmic Love", Acrylic paints on canvas, 50x60 cm, 25.08.2020 A vision from the soul, energy art, with a subtle, metallic 3D effect (with slightly changing color tones of the patterns depending on the lighting), Copyrght © Art Dorotheah Art work was painted during the open-air event were shown at the "Post-Plein-Air Exhibition of Painting with Poetry and Song" on August 25: 2020 in Żydowo, in Poland. |
In a private collection of the person for whom it was painted with deep intention.
 | Bay Arabian - small acryics 10x10 cm |
 | Horse and Sea: "Mare verde"(Sea green) size 15x20 cm. Acrylics on canvas painted to order, 2012 |
💫----- OIL ON CANVAS -----
 | "Portrait of the Arabian horse". Oil on canvas 1997. Measure approximately 40 x 47cm. Canvas photo was published in the Polish magazine "Koń Polski"("Polish Horse")-2001
In a private collection, ITALY |
------ OIL PASTELS -----
"Heban-Ebony Stallion"
Portrait WB stallion 2001.
855 x 61mm, almost format A1 |
(Work based on a photo, unstainted painted so long ago that I don't remember the author of the photo)
"Estebanez" #Bay arabian stallion 2004, format A1 (60x84 cm)
"Dancing horses' 841 x 594 mm, format A1. 2001
Private collection
The vision of the artist's imagination
"Gray Andalusian horse in Piaffe"
Vision of an artist, Italy 2012
format A1, 841 x 594 mm
#Arabian horse in the forest" 2001,
Format A3 (29,7×40 cm)
Work based on a photo, unstainted painted so long ago that I don't remember the author of the photo.
- Artwork donated to a charity auction, for save horses.
"Mashius" format A1 -60x84 cm.
Private collection in Italy
"Sandro - Oldenburg Stallion,
format A1 -60x84 cm.
Private collection in Poland
"My foal" arabian foal , B2 (70x100 cm),
The first art work on large format and
the first work painted oil pastels-1997
Work based on a photo Z.Raczkowska.
Artwork winner in collective exhibition
"Horses"- THK Jaroszówka 1998
"Saragos"' 2001, 841 x 594 mm,
format A1.
"Black Pearl# fresian Horse' 2001
format A1 (60x84 cm).
Private collection, probably Netherlands.
Work based on a photo, unstainted painted so long ago that I don't remember the author of the photo.
----- SOFT PASTELS -----
"Beloved Icelandic Pony". Portrait of a horse for his owner,
format A3, (29,7 x42 cm) 2007
Private collection in DENMARK
"Arabian Horse Eye",
format A3, size 210 x 297 mm,
Private Collection ITAY
Work based on a photo, unstainted painted so long ago that I don't remember the author of the photo.
Italian Trotter - portrait on Order.
format A2
Private Collection ITALY
Italian Dressage Horse- to order.
format A2,
Private Collection ITALY
----- PEN -----
"Emotions and black oriental mare"- pen, Format A4 28,5x20 cm, 2003
Vision of artist |
----- GRAPHICS INC -----
"Fresian Horses" Ink, Big format A1 (594 x 841 mm).
Art work was donated to the charity auction. 2002 |
Acrylic on wall, great size- volume of about 1800 cm to 2300 mm. Made to order, portrait, German Friesian mare Myrte. Portrait was painted from memory - a living horse was several hundred yards away (the author does not have a picture of the horse).
"Butterfly" painting wall. Acrylic, large size approx 850 x 1200 mm.
Art worls painted in the Academic Horse Riding Club "AKJ" University of Warmia and Mazury.2003
----- PENCIL -----
Stallion First des Termes xo (Fol Avril- Etoile Festivale). Pencil on paper, dimensions 297 × 420, A3. Art works is in the office PZHK- Polish Horse Breeders Association.2001
Art work based on a photo, unstainted painted so long ago that I don't remember the author of the photo.
Stallion Berlin Bey młp ( Elsing oo-Berenika). Pencil on paper, dimensions 297 × 420, A3
Jobs went to the PZHK- Polish Horse Breeders Association. 2001
Art work based on a photo, unstainted painted so long ago that I don't remember the author of the photo.
Portrait of Polish warmblood horse.
Drawing 2010.
Sport young warmblood stallion in trot.
Pencil on paper, size 210 x 297, A4 |
This is a pencil portrait of Polish pudbred arabian horse.
Portrait made based on a photo of Marian Gadzalski.
Painted in 1996 when I was 14 years old. Art work based on a photo M.Gadzalski.
Pencil portrait of Polish pudbred arabian horse.
Portrait made based on a photo.
Painted in 1996 when I was 14 years old. Art work based on a photo M.Gadzalski
Portrait of sporty gelding "Trapez wlkp (Rankor-Tanina/Plon) " pen,. size of 105 × 148 mm, A6. 1997 |
This is a pencil portrait of Polish warmblood horse. Painted in 1997 when I was 15 years old. And this horse looks like beloved artist mare Poswiata, born in 1999.
----- GRAPHICS INC -----
Hummingbirds with flowers, slightly smaller format than A3
Painted for Bridget from Belgium |

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