Already been published interview with the artist published in "Poles in Italy" (Polacy we Włoszech) by Agnieszka B. Gorzkowska. Orginal conversation is Polish , Link to the orginal - CLICK HERE
So here we publish the English version :
Dorota Zdunska - artist of Liguria
We cordially invite you for an interview with Dorothy Zduńska , a painter and sculptor of Liguria.-Ms. Dorothy, what made you decide to...
live in Italy?
After one of my artistic exhibitions I received a nice letter from a horse enthusiast who lives with her husband in Tuscany. Our conversation ended up inviting me to Italy, in order to paint portraits of their horses. During the three-month stay painted many works . And by the way I explored the countryside of Tuscany, as the height of the back of a horse , which I had available here .
I was glad extraordinary moments lonely walks through the nature park , and between crops of corn and grape bushes . And sometimes galloped for wild rabbits, or in the cloud flock flying out for the flight and screaming pheasants . These beautiful and unique moments meant that henceforth often thought about this country .

Upon arrival immediately started studying the Italian language in the local school.
Currently, I paint and sculpt under the guidance of professors from the School of Art in Genoa. Very good feedback on my work of art professors add me wings.

-Dorothy, your a great passion for horses, or just in the arts, or equally fascinates you riding?
I paint horses since childhood and it is for me as natural as that of a tenner.
The horses "always" I'm extremely loving. But around my house there was no equestrian center. As a determined teenager, I decided on education in Technical Breeding Horses in Chojnów a distance of almost 500 km. There I learned that horses are not only infantile beauty. It is also difficult to harness the power.

However, after the purchase, almost 10 years ago , his own mares glow , I became the happiest person in the world While this initially untamed mare gave me a pretty hard time ... But I became my best teacher and the greatest gift of fate.
-At the same time you develop your artistic skills ...
In parallel with this passion for developing my painting. I grew up admiring the paintings albums Juliusz Kossak, Maximilian Gierymski, J.Suchdorski and photographers horses - Z. Raczkowska, M.Gadzalski, and later R.Vavra and G.Boiselle.
I created based on internal feelings. I had the first solo exhibition at the age of 16 years.
I studied the anatomy of horses at the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn. I anatomy, and "art" skills to capture the correct proportions, seem to me the most important for a realistic painting of horses.

-How would define you own style of art ?
I paint only what I feel sometimes a little experimenting , but definitely avoiding some kind of fashion in painting or duplication of style and discovering his own artistic path , perhaps calling.
I believe that the art is not just about search second bottom and subtext , but above all to build a specific audience's emotions . I think the closest one is realism , maybe even go in the direction close to hyperrealism . Systematically raise a bar and I still feel that I have to go on. I focus on a particular creature, often even " forgetting " about the whole world around you. I'm trying to reach out to people by showing them the beauty of the world through the wonderful world of horses , so that they feel the sheer beauty and harmony in their hearts.

I showed my work on individual and group exhibitions in the country and abroad (Montecatini - Italy).
I belong to a group of artists Equine Artist Fin Art America. My paintings are in collections in Poland, Italy, Germany, Belgium, Denmark, Great Britain and the United States. A few days another job on the trip to Africa.
I made also about five hundred illustrations to guide instructional Riding Academy Vol. 1 Waclaw Pruchniewicz, authorized by the Polish Equestrian Federation. With this book learn horse husbandry technicians, students and prospective instructors.
More and more I am fascinated by the sculpture. I made relief from terracoty and working on new sculptures.
Currently part of my work can be seen in Horse Club Rapallo, where I spend time with the horses.
In the near future I plan to organize another solo exhibition to show my work to a wider audience.
Thank you very much for your time and we look forward to the next exhibition. "